

app开发定制在数字后端设计中使用shielding的目的主要是保护敏感net,减小其受到noise的影响。常用的shielding net是VDD和GND net。

查看Innovus UG > Design Implementation Capabilities > Using the NanoRoute Router

Performing Shielded Routing

The NanoRoute router can protect noise-sensitive nets, such as clock nets, from crosstalk by shielding them with power or ground wires. NanoRoute automatically generates a shielding and statistics report after routing. For information on the report, see the “Interpreting the Shielding Report” section.

The Figure below shows a section of a design with a shielded net. In the figure, you can see the following:

  1. The signal net is shielded by a power net on one side and a ground net on the other side. (两条shielding net分别是VDD和GND)
  2. Multiple vias can be dropped where a stripe crosses the shielding net at a right angle, if the stripe is wide enough to accommodate them.
  3. A segment of the signal net is not shielded. (shielded net的一部分是没有被覆盖到的)
  4. There are some floating shielding net segments. (存在一些没有connection的shielding net segment)

使用createShield命令创建shielding nets

使用editPowerVia命令在shielding net和power stripe连接处增加更多via

使用界面添加shield routing

使用text cmd添加shield routing

控制shielding report的内容

这里的tapping check指的是什么呢?

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